Friday, October 18, 2013

Give Great Feedback: An 11-Step Primer

Star employees aren't born.  They're made by the feedback
they get from bosses and colleagues.

What You Want to Do
  1. Give feedback as quickly as possible.  If someone does something great;  tell them right away.
  2. Go public with positive feedback.  Praise in public is worth more than praise in private.
  3. Be specific.  "Good job" tells your best manager nothing.  "I really liked the accuracy of your report," tells her what she should keep paying attention to. 
  4. Ask questions about what made a meeting, survey, interview or sales call so effective.  Asking questions is a terrifc way to pay a compliment;  it shows you know you can learn from someone else and value that person's perspective.
  5. Inquire about other peoples' contributions.  Who else worked on the project?  This gives the obvious author a chance to share credit and identifies other high achievers you want to notice.
  6. Monitor improvement and progress.  If a group or team is getting a lot better at something, say so.  Everyone likes to feel that they are making headway so ask yourself;  what are these people doing better now that they didn't do a couple of months ago?
What You Don't Want to Do
  1. Overdo your praise.  Make it meaningful, not routine.
  2. Embarass.  Keep negative feedback private and use it sparingly, when it really counts.
  3. Fudge.  Be very detailed and suggest remedies so that you don't inspire hopelessness.
  4. Get stuck in the past.  Suggestions for doing better next time are more motivating than rehashing past events that can't be changed.
  5. Above all:  remember what it was like when you weren't the boss.  What made you want to strive for improvement?  Whether it was a good experience or a bad one, use it--only to do it better for others.