Monday, March 31, 2014

Attention:  Co-op Boards
Fast Track Early Rate Lock Program Available
  • NYC five boroughs
  • Pricing from 89-95 basis points over 10 Years Treasury
  • Full term I/O available (only 3 basis points add on)
  • Par pricing
  • Up to 12 months forward lock available;  60 day forward no cost
  • Application cost included in spread
  • Good Faith rate lock deposit is 1%
If the Co-op Board is facing a pending maturity of an existing loan over the next year, this programs allows the Board to lock-in a rate for up to 12 months.  The program, also allows up to 10 years of interest only payments if this is of interest to the Board.

For more information contact our office and speak to a loan specialist.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Not all companies are created equal when it comes to the acceptance of dogs in the workplace.  That's certainly not the case with Kathy Anderson, President and Founder of Progress Capital Advisors.  She brings her black Pomeranian, "Jake" to work as often as she can.  The fact remains that some readily welcome your best friend while others have not yet realized the benefits of allowing dogs.
Some benefits of bringing your dog to work are: 

- Dogs are frequently recognized as great stress-relievers.

- Often times it is a great ice breaker when a new client comes to the office. Everyone loves talking about their pet.

- What better way to make yourself take a break and clear your head then to take your dog for a short walk. It is proven that frequent short breaks increases productivity.

- A survey of 50 businesses across the US revealed that those with pets had lower absentee rates and employees were more willing to work overtime.

As for Progress, the whole office has adopted Jake and everyone looks after him.  Our clients enjoy seeing Jake and often ask about him.  Since Kathy started bringing Jake to work, we have noticed several other companies in our building have become pet friendly, so it seems like the idea is catching on.